Offering regular On-line Courses including Daily Handling,
Lunging , and Advanced Lunging.
Introduction to In Hand and Advancing In Hand
and New: Riding in Rhythm
In clinics, people can come together to improve their relationships with their horse, learn how to improve their timing and feel, and take home a new awareness to improve their day to day lives with their horses.
Clinics offer a fun, low pressure way to learn along with other riders, expose horses to things they may not see at home in a safe, controlled environment, set up situations to improve and expand comfort zones, and to learn from watching other riders as well.
Clinic Description:
Clinics are open to all breeds and disciplines
Private and semi private lessons:
One hour long - we will work on filling holes in foundational work, addressing movement or behavior issues, and connecting classical work to your discipline of choice.
Group Sessions:
Foundation Group - suitable for green horses or people new to Amy's work: Begins in hand, developing rhythm and alignment. Discussion of range of motion for stability and mobility. Progressing to ridden exercises- how to use the seat to develop better balance and mobility for both horse and rider, figures to create relaxation and lengthening of horse's topline. Some walk trot transitions.
Advancing Group - suitable for horses who can walk, trot and canter in a group safely:Begins with more advanced exercises in hand: lateral work, range of motion exercises. Progresses to ridden work, including bending and suppling exercises, lateral work, and more in depth discussion of the seat and transitions.
Gear requirements:
Come in whatever saddle fits you and your horse comfortably. Bring a halter and lead, or cavesson and line if preferred. A flag or in hand (dressage) whip is helpful.
Please no leverage bits or leverage hackamores - this work is suited best to direct reining gear. Hackamores ok.
-Lecture topics vary by location
Costs and format vary by location. Please check the schedule for cost and format.
2025 Schedule
****Please check coggins, vaccs, and other requirements of individual hosting facilities when signing up. Fees do not include facility fees, stalls, hookups and other expenses related to the facility. For insurance purposes, please no stallions, and no pets.***
**please be sure to reserve stabling with clinic contact upon registration! Don't wait til the last minute and risk not having a spot secured at the facility!*
April 25, 26, 27 Pierson, MI - FULL
Location: 20256 West Waterwheel Pierson, MI 49339
Format: Private lessons Friday, Sat-Sun Group sessions Foundation 9-12, Advancing 1-4
auditors welcome, $40/ day
Private sessions $125/hour
$500 per person per group for both days
50% nonrefundable deposit required to secure your spot
Group sessions
Contact: for signups and payments, contact Amy at [email protected]
for stabling, venue information and more, contact Nicole Carlon at [email protected].
** When signing up, please connect with Nicole to reserve stabling!
May 2-4 Cisco, IL - FULL
Location: 1221 N. State Hwy 32
Cisco, IL
Format: Fri-Sat Group sessions 9-12, 1-4 $400/person/group
Sunday Private ($100) and semi private Sessions ($150 total)
auditors welcome $35/day
Contact to sign up: Amy Skinner contact@amyskinnerhorsemanship
for stabling and hookups, contact Kim Skinner by text at 636-6984144
May 30-June 1 Lampasas, TX - FULL
auditors spots still available
Location: Bar 17 Arena 2384 2315, County Rd 3068, Lampasas, TX 76550
Format: Lecture open to auditors Friday evening (Time TBD)
Private lessons Friday, Sat-Sun Group sessions 9-12, 1-4
auditors welcome $35/day
Contact: LeAnn Boore
(254) 423-2058 [email protected]
June 21-22 Nampa, ID
Location: Birt's Arena 2520 E Lewis Ln, Nampa, ID 83686
Format: Lecture open to auditors Friday evening (Time TBD)
Private lessons Friday, $125/hour, Sat-Sun Group sessions 9-12, 1-4 $500 per group for the weekend
auditors welcome $35/day
Contact: Maddie Ellis
July 18-20 Pequot Lakes, MN
Location: 3101 56th St SW , Pequot Lakes MN 56472
Format: Lecture topic Friday night, open to auditors$35/day
Friday: Private sessions $125
Sat- Sun Group sessions $400 per group for the weekend
(foundation) 9-11, (advancing) 11-1, (foundation)1-3, (advancing) 3-5 - (small groups due to arena size)
four groups of 3 each (12 riders total) Foundation and Advancing, Beginner and Advancing
auditors welcome
Contact to sign up: Amy Skinner contact@amyskinnerhorsemanship
for stabling and hookups, contact Abbie Schramm [email protected]
please be sure to reserve stabling with Abbie when signing up for this clinic**
August 1-3 Gowanda, NY
Location: 1221 N. State Hwy 32
Gowanda, NY
Format: Private lessons Friday, Sat-Sun Group sessions 9-12, 1-4
auditors welcome, $35/day
Private sessions $125/hour
Groups $500/person for the both group days
Friday: Private Sessions
Sat and Sun: Foundation Group 9-12, Advancing Group 1-4
50% non refundable deposit required to secure your spot
Contact to sign up: Amy Skinner contact@amyskinnerhorsemanship
for stabling and hookups, contact Staci Saulter at 716-257-9574
Current coggins required for all clinics.
Please check regarding vaccine requirements for each clinic.
© 2024 Amy Skinner Horsemanship. All Rights Reserved.