Amy Skinner embraces a training philosophy based in Classical Dressage and sound horsemanship practices. Amy believes strongly that good riding is not about the costume or tack, but what's in the heart, and what we put into the mind. Amy keeps the best interest of horse and rider in mind, choosing to avoid fads and quick fixes, but to seek continual learning from the best teacher: the horse.
She believes that any horse can improve given enough time and understanding, with an open minded approach to each horse as an individual . Working with the horse’s mind develops confidence, and an understanding of biomechanics develops correct and sound movement.
Amy also offers lessons, both in person and virtual, and clinics, with a focus on providing information in a way that best suits each student. Amy believes that good teaching mirrors good training: in a way the student can understand, and without judgement or force. Amy’s philosophy of training through relaxation carries over to students working to gain better balance and feel with their horses. She believes that learning should be fun and not intimidating, and she provides a safe, enjoyable atmosphere for riders to improve their abilities.
Amy is a dedicated student, with years of training experience under the tutelage of fine horsemen and women like Theresa Doherty (a long time pupil of Walter Zettl and Egon von Neindorff), Tressa Boulden (long time pupil of Melissa Simms, head rider of the Neindorff Institute), and Brent Graef - a masterful horseman with specialties in halter starting, problem solving, teaching, and many other areas. Amy offers riders of all ages and disciplines the ability to gain confidence, improve their riding, and strengthen their relationships with their horses.
A happy horse is balanced mentally, physically, and emotionally, and the same goes for a happy rider. Balance comes into play in many areas: between work and play, friendship and leadership, and many other areas.
We develop trust by being aware of our horses’ thoughts and needs, and supplying them with what they need to thrive.
Growth is founded on these pillars:
-respect for the horse
-respect for self
-respect for others
For what the horse does under done without understanding; and there is no beautfy in it either, any more than if one should whip and spur a dancer.
Ride your horse forward and put it straight
Gustav Steinbrecht
Just when you think you should take, GIVE!
Walter Zettl
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